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Google Excited About Machine Learning, So Are We

If we do a quick word search on the opening keynote session of the recently held Google’s developer conference Google I/O 2017, the most frequently used words invariably by all speakers were “Machine Learning” and “excited”, very much in line with this year’s focus area for SogetiLabs’s Research –the Machine Intelligence, and we are excited too.

It is clear that Google has already taken the shift from Mobility First to AI First computing. This year all the new launches, be it the services, apps, cloud platform or the OS  (Android O) have an element of machine learning capability running neural computation algorithms.

This post captures some of the Google’s new launches that are powered by machine learning capabilities that I found very interesting and more so excited that these are now available for developers to create their own innovative solutions.

Cloud TPUs: The Google Cloud Platform now offers both the software services with machine learning capabilities and the computing power that is required to do the whole data crunching. Google calls it Cloud TPUs or the Tensor Processing Unit, the same technology that runs in their data centers providing the computing power to all their AI based products including the AlphaGo, the search engine RankBrain, Photos and Translate is now available for organizations to experiment their AI projects. Also new features and enhancements are added to the opensourced machine learning framework TensorFlow and a mobile optimized version of TensorFlowLite released that can run locally on a device. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Google Excited About Machine Learning, So Are We

Ramprasath Venugopal
Ramprasath Venugopal
Senior Director - Innovation Lead at Capgemini