Monica 355 x 215

My Passion for Volunteering Sprouted from Girl Scouts

Senior Consultant Monica Kenar discusses how her passion for giving is fully realized in Sogeti's Summer of Service program.

Name: Monica Kenar 
Role: Senior Consultant 
Practice: Digital Transformation 
Location: Chicago
Joined Sogeti: 2016 

I got very involved during my first year at Sogeti. I attended all volunteer and unit events to get to know other Sogetians at the unit. I organized a Xamarin Test Cloud group to get myself acquainted with a new technology, and always kept an open eye for any new client relationships. I also participated in Sogeti’s Hack-a-thon, where I got to think like an architect.

I’ve continued to be involved in as much as possible, but I’m really dedicated to the things we do to give back to the community, especially Sogeti’s Summer of Service program.

For those of you who don’t know what Summer of Service is, it is Sogeti’s dedicated time to acts of service It’s becomes a bit competitive as each unit tries to do more than other units. But, it’s also for a really great cause as we’re competing for our charity to win money. It’s a great time for team-building, but it also feels great to be able to give back to the community.

We have so many fun Summer of Service activities planned for this summer! We primarily volunteer with Feed My Starving Children, and Chicago Canine Rescue. We have our first volunteer event this weekend at Feed My Starving Children. 

Last year, the Chicago unit won the $1,000 Summer of Service prize for giving time, which we donated to Feed My Starving Children. In 2017, our unit also won a $500 prize to give to a non-profit organization.  

Besides donating time, we also give money and items. We participate in Operation Backpack, which is led by Volunteers of America. We collect school supplies and fill backpacks for children in foster care, and low-income schools in Chicago. 

A new project we will be involved in this summer will be Project Linus. Project Linus is a non-profit organization that collects blankets (we will be making no-sew fleece blankets) that are collected locally and distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might need a big hug! 

I have a soft spot in my heart for helping those in need. As a little girl, I was a Girl Scout for many years, and I believe my passion for volunteering and helping people sprouted from there. I am very grateful to my parents as well. They have given me so much and I want to give to those who are not as lucky. It makes me so proud to work for a company that believes so much in giving back to the community.   

Even when Summer of Service is over, the Chicago unit still gives back. In March, we organized a March Madness Bracket and raised $258 to go to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. In November, we organize a Thanksgiving Food Drive for the People’s Resource Center to help those who are struggling, especially around the holiday season. Lastly, around Christmas time we hold a toy drive for Toys for Tots. Last year over 60 more children were able to open presents because of our generosity and open heartedness. 

I recommend new hires really get involved at Sogeti attend events that give you a chance to socialize with other Sogetians in the unit. Introduce yourself to the Business Development Executive's. “Hello, I don’t think we have met, my name is Monica. Nice to meet you!” Attend Summer of Service events too of course!

In the IT field anything is possible, and things constantly change. Who knows what the NEXT BIG THING will be, but I want to be a part of it!