Candice McCarthy Image

Setting the Stage for Success

Candice McCarthy, a Senior Consultant in the Digital Transformation practice, discusses how her first week at Sogeti set the stage for her to achieve great things.

Name: Candice McCarthy 
Role: Senior Consultant 
Location: Cincinnati   
Practice: Digital Transformation
Joined Sogeti: 2012

I think when people hear about being a consultant, they often don’t know what that entails. I don’t think I knew what it meant to be a consultant.

My first week changed that quickly.

My first week at Sogeti was spent at the new hire bootcamp. It was a week dedicated to learning about different technologies and how to be a good consultant. It was nice to hear from other consultants about what the job means to them and how they communicate with clients. Hearing from all of these different perspectives was helpful.

We also had plenty of chances for socializing, and I met a nice array of people from across the US, which was fun. It was a great way to begin a new job and really learn about the company.

When you graduate from college and get your first real job, everything can seem so daunting. You kind of feel like a deer in headlights, not knowing what it’s like to work in the corporate world. The bootcamp helped give me a starting point and foundational knowledge so that I could be successful in my job.

One of the amazing things about Sogeti is there is a tremendous amount of support. People want you to be successful. There's always been someone to talk to for guidance, to help you resolve something, or to help you think about something in a different light.

One thing I wish I had known when I first started: don’t be afraid to ask questions. At the beginning of my career, I wouldn’t speak up all the time for the fear of sounding stupid. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to ask those questions because it might have prompted me to learn something new sooner.  I should have been a little more courageous to ask my questions.

There are so many opportunities to continue learning with training and certification. Sogeti is very supportive of continuing education, and it has really helped my career continue to grow.

That first week at bootcamp set the stage for me to be the best consultant I can be, and I’m grateful for that experience.

  • Candice McCarthy Image
    Candice McCarthy
    Senior Consultant